Business Ideas For African Market

Africa is a highly resourceful continent with a great return on investments if you can be able to strategise and tap into the huge market. With a population that is almost equal to 1 billion people, your market cannot be bigger. The problem, however, being faced by a lot of people is knowing the right African business idea to invest in. It may be a bit more challenging for those who may not fully understand the African market to invest in...

Articles, Business Outlook

Tanzania among top 10 fastest-growing economies

Tanzania has earned the distinction of being among the world's 10 fastest-growing economies. The east African nation grew at the rate of 6.8 per cent, according to the 2020 African Economic Outlook report. Other five African countries that have been making impressive growths are Rwanda (8.7 per cent), Ethiopia (7.4 per cent), Côte d'Ivoire (7.4 per cent), Ghana (7.1 per cent) and Benin 6.7 per cent. Not only did Tanzania...

Business Outlook, East Africa

Exports from Dubai to Africa Grow

Dubai has emerged as one of the leading supplier of goods and all kinds of consumer products to Africa. Shipping lines plying the Dubai-Africa route are experiencing a welcome rise in business with the coming of African bulk buyers during the last decade. Among the major destinations of UAE exports are Nigeria, Mauritania, Senegal, Gabon, Ghana and the Ivory Coast in West Africa, and Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya in East Africa. On an average,...

Business Outlook

Why China Dominates the African Markets

Chinese goods have been gaining increasing popularity in the African markets and Chinese companies are exporting in huge quantities of a wide variety of products directly into many African countries. In the last few years, China's trade with Africa has been growing with leaps and bounds, as has Chinese investments into several African nations. In 2018, China-Africa trade reached US$204.2 billion, up 20 percent year-on-year, and...

Business Outlook

Why African Buyers Prefer to Buy from Dubai

A large number of African businesses use Dubai as their supply source. As a result, traders, merchants, manufacturers is Dubai have been eager to attract African buyers and have been doing roaring business in the African markets. The reasons why African buyers throng to Dubai are many. To start with, the lack of a reliable and well established manufacturing base in many African regions has forced both, African businesses as well as consumers,...

Business Outlook

The Market for Furniture in Africa

With the growing population in Africa demand for home and office furniture is simultaneously increasing. When people move into a new home, they need a bed to sleep on, wardrobes for their clothes, chairs, a dining table, sofas, kitchen cabinets and all kinds of furniture. Like households, offices also buy a lot of furniture too.  African is fast emerging as an important market for furniture on a global scale. Total furniture imports into...

Business Outlook

Airbnb Challenging Monopoly of Hotels in Africa

  Airbnb is giving tough competition to Africa's overpriced hotels and has become a serious threat for the hotel industry in many African countries. Many hotel chains are putting pressure on African governments to regulate the world’s biggest accommodation-sharing site: Airbnb. Recently, South Africa’s hotel federation claimed that Airbnb was taking business away from registered hotels and eating into their...

Business Outlook

Boom Time for Africa's Aviation Industry

Africa’s aviation industry is experiencing a boom time as the continent continues to increase airline frequency to the GCC and other destinations around the world. Undoubtedly, the potential for the aviation sector in Africa is immense as the African aviation industry continues to provide new opportunities for growth and expansion. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) projects that the African continent will become...

Articles, Business Outlook
Africa Cosmetics Importers Database