Boom Time for Africa's Aviation Industry

Africa’s aviation industry is experiencing a boom time as the continent continues to increase airline frequency to the GCC and other destinations around the world. Undoubtedly, the potential for the aviation sector in Africa is immense as the African aviation industry continues to provide new opportunities for growth and expansion. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) projects that the African continent will become...

Articles, Business Outlook

E-commerce In Africa: Projections Vs Reality

Going by statistics alone it is obvious that Africa is an up and coming market for e-commerce. Though African countries are not ranked as high as other markets like the US and Europe when it comes to e-commerce, the online shopping phenomenon is spreading fast across the continent.  E-commerce in Africa was valued at $16.5 billion in 2017 and this value could cross the $75 billion mark by 2025.  Even though these...


Ethiopia’s Road To Success

One of the fastest growing economies in Africa, Ethiopia, has an ambitious plan to cut a green, sustainable path to becoming a middle-income country by 2025. Along the way, the country faces growing urban migration and rising demand for food—challenges that are linked by, and depend on, roads for access, supply and mobility. In 1997, the total road network in Ethiopia was 26,550 kilometers. By 2014 it reached 99,522 km. For the country...


Google Helps Africa Get Online

Google has released a new search app called Go in 26 African countries that would allow users to search the web faster, even with slow Internet connections. It will partner with pan-African wireless carriers such as MTN Group Ltd. and Vodacom Group Ltd. to preload the app on some of their low-end devices.
The internet giant has also adapted the voice function to work better on slow connections, even as basic as 2G networks, according...

Articles, Media

Africa: Ripe for Business: Export to Africa and Reap the Benefits

Currently, 6 of the world’s 10 fastest growing economies are in Africa, and the ease of doing business in Africa is improving to the extent that a good number of countries (including South Africa, Ghana, Mauritius and Tunisia) now outperform China, India, Brazil and Russia. In addition, FDI inflows to Africa have demonstrated year-to-year growth since 2010 and now amount to US$ 50 billion. The key reasons behind this growth surge...

Articles, Business Outlook

Kigali Sets Up New Logistics Hub

DP World Kigali is a secure, bonded facility spread over13 hectare that will improve imports and exports... DP World and the government of Rwanda have setup a state-of-the-a­ logistics hub, located 20 kilometers from the capital city Kigali, close to the international airport­. The facility is East Africa’s first ever Inland Dry Port developed by DP World.  DP World Kigali is a secure, bonded facility spread over 13...

Articles, East Africa

Construction Activity In Africa Increasing

The face of the African construction industry is changing. Construction projects on the continent are getting bigger and more complex. According to recent reports, this is owing to rapid urbanisation, strong economic growth, a rising middle class and regional integration in many of Africa’s 54 nations. All make for the ever-increasing demand in Africa’s construction industry, as big infrastructure projects get under way on the...


How to Export to African Countries

In times of economic meltdown, planning which markets of the world to target for exports, the continent of Africa doesn’t always come top of the list. In fact, rarely. Part of that is down to preconceived opinions about the continent. Constant images of war and starvation don’t always make a business believe there are riches to be earned from business dealings on the continent. However the truth is that the economic situation...

Articles, Business Outlook
Africa Cosmetics Importers Database